Saturday, July 29, 2017

How They Did It

Alternet provides a review of the fraudulent and treasonous actions that Republican presidents since Richard Nixon have taken to win the White House. Maybe I should feel better knowing Turnip (sic) isn't the first one, but I don't.  

Friday, July 28, 2017

Health Scare

If the ACA dies, it won't be from natural causes. It will be because Donald Turnip (sic) murdered it.

For some reason, Rep. Louie Gohmert is always being invited to appear on cable news shows and prove that if he isn't the worst asshole in the House, he's definitely in the top five.

Generally overlooked but still impressive, the 48 Senate Dems remained united, without a single defector. We don't always see that happen.

The House and Senate Republicans are at war with each other, and if we're lucky enough, they'll eventually start firing real bullets instead of whining like a bunch of teenage girls.

Is the Pussydent really planning to start operating the White House independently, without relying on the Republican Party? He might be ignorant enough to think that's a good idea... please, let it happen.

Vox: The House Freedom Caucus hasn't given up on repeal. The good news is that whatever those assholes produce is almost certain to flop in the Senate. Let's face it, they're the worst of the worst.

Monday, July 24, 2017

More Mooch

Today's I Don't Believe That Word Means What You Think It Means:

Tony Scaramooch, in an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News, said this:
SCARAMUCCI: I want the president to be the president, and I want him to express the full nature of his personality. Corey Lewandowski used to say early on, on the campaign, let Trump be Trump. A little disrespectful now that he’s president, so let’s let the president be the president. 
And my point is if he wants to talk about things like that, I’m not going to want to stop him or be able to stop him. I want to be there to help aid and abet his agenda.
Scaramooch is supposed to be a Harvard Law graduate, so he should know the meaning of the term Aid and Abet. Maybe he knows, but I'm surprised he's bragging about it on cable news shows. 

When they make the movie, this jerk should be played by Ray Liotta, who already did the same character in Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas.

Added 10:46 PM: Great column by Noah Feldman which explains why no court in America would uphold Donny Dipshit's power to pardon himself.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Headlines: Return of the Zombies

Washington Monthly, briefly, on why the GOP hasn't repealed Obamacare yet.

Republican voters have lost interest in wrecking the ACA as a top priority, according to Kos. If most of his voters aren't interested, then what is fucking Mitch McConnell's goddamned problem?

Donny Shitdrizzle asks his lawyers if it's okay for him to go ahead and pardon himself while he's pardoning his rotten spawn and everyone he brought with him to Washington as executive branch hired hands. This means he's stopped pretending he's the innocent victim of a witch hunt, and is now admitting that he's guilty as hell... which we already knew.

It's sickening to realize the Republican Party is made up almost entirely of people like those who enabled the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Headlines: The Flameout

Meanwhile, in Washington D.C., it was announced that so-called precedent (sic) Donny Shitdrizzle can go fuck himself. The expectation is that he will stay fucked this time, but who knows?

Added 1:22 PM: Donny isn't taking the "fuck you" well at all. He thinks he can attach the blame for his failures to a few bad Republicans and every Democrat. The people aren't buying into that horse shit. Once a majority of Americans realize they have a right to a certain level of security, and government provides it, then Republicans have a hell of a problem taking it away from them.

Digby: Clarification that the GOP majorities in Congress are not ideological monoliths, and be glad they aren't. Is it possible that some GOP Senators are ready to revolt against Mitch (Chinless Wonder) McConnell?

Shit outta luck again

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Headlines: They're everywhere.

Digby explains why it's not all on Trump. The whole Republican Party is in on the deal.

More Digby: That wall on the Mexican border? It'll be a transparent solar design. Yeah, Two Scoops has seen the plans

More sound advice from Washington Monthly: Let the string play out.

Anything that Beauregard Sessions is in contact with will eventually have the stench of corruption all over it. He needs to be locked up somewhere, maybe Siberia.

Once it became clear that anything a conservative GOP politician said would be a fucking lie, I knew I could just ignore them. That makes reading the news much easier and faster, since I can skip past half of it.

And let's get one thing perfectly straight: Donnie Two Scoops hasn't been saying for months there was no coordination between his campaign and the Russians because it was hidden from him. He's saying it because he's a mental case and a chronic liar.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Slime Buckets

It's important to keep in mind that, regardless of what happens, Mitch (Chinless Wonder) McConnell has been right smack in the middle of everything and therefore is as much to blame as anyone, and guiltier than most. There should be no way he gets to slither off without a scratch on him.

Mitch (Maximum Culpability) McConnell

Friday, July 7, 2017

Pictures from Germany

I've seen the photographs, and the story they tell is a simple one: Poor Donnie would spend five hours crawling on his belly for the opportunity to spend two minutes sniffing Putin's butt. Russia owns that pathetic fool.

Added 5:30 PM Saturday 8 July: Digby wraps up her coverage of what ended up being another predictable embarrassment for the United States. Also, Donnie Dickdrip officially designated Princess Ivanka to act as his official stand-in for meetings he doesn't want to attend and doesn't give a shit about.

Can we be best friends? Please?

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


From Washington Monthly, an excellent report on Donnie Dickdrip's total focus on maintaining his attachment to his zombie army of adoring idiots. Basically explains all we need to know to understand why fatso smears shit on everything he touches.

Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.