Tuesday, May 9, 2017


From The Atlantic, Cornholio voters were motivated by cultural anxiety:
Controlling for other demographic variables, three factors stood out as strong independent predictors of how white working-class people would vote. The first was anxiety about cultural change. Sixty-eight percent of white working-class voters said the American way of life needs to be protected from foreign influence. And nearly half agreed with the statement, “things have changed so much that I often feel like a stranger in my own country.” Together, these variables were strong indicators of support for Trump: 79 percent of white working-class voters who had these anxieties chose Trump, while only 43 percent of white working-class voters who did not share one or both of these fears cast their vote the same way.
I thought the part in bold print was interesting, considering the fat mook they chose on election day is up to his eyebrows in debt to Russians.

If they think they're anxious now, wait until Medicaid cuts take effect, and mama has to leave the nursing home and move back in with them.

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