Sunday, September 13, 2015

Mrs. Clinton's Mail

Headline in the Opinion section of this morning's Dallas paper:

What do you think is going on with Hillary Clinton's emails?

To answer the question in the headline above, I don't know what's going on with Mrs. Clinton's emails. I doubt if there're more than a handful of people who do.

As a careful observer of conservative behavior for several decades, I'm positive that what's going on with those emails is nothing remotely as felonious as what conservatives are claiming. Like the boy in the fable, they're constantly "crying wolf." Intelligent people stopped paying attention to their false alarms years ago, when it became obvious that fear is the only product conservatives are selling.

Unlike conservatives, I don't have a screaming need to witness the annihilation of Mrs. Clinton before the election campaign gets underway for real. I can wait patiently to see what facts emerge from non-partisan investigations, then judge accordingly.

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