Friday, October 5, 2012


Mitt can't catch a break. Everybody's tweeting about his debate performance, he finally renounced his "47 percent" accusations... and now THIS?

A headline in today's Dallas Morning News says the Republicans see a "reset" opportunity following the first presidential debate this week. 

The Romney campaign is definitely in reset mode alright. Vanished is Tea Party Mitt, and reappearing is Good Old Moderate Massachusetts Mormon Mitt, who wants to work across party lines to compromise with Democrats. What's not to like about THAT guy? He's a human chameleon.

Random Reflections on the Romney Reset:

If Romney believes the Paul Ryan/Tea Party agenda is a winner, why did he spend an entire debate trying to blur the distinctions between himself and Obama? Do you think his internal polls are telling him something?

In the unlikely event that Mittens pulls off a comeback of history-making proportions, he will do it because he won the support of moderates who bought the Moderate Massachusetts Mitt product he's now marketing. Depending strictly on conservative Republicans, Mitt's locked in at 47 percent or less (even in Rasmussen). Assuming he felt any sense of allegiance (questionable), it would probably be to the moderates who got him elected. So the Paul Ryan/Tea Party folks should get accustomed to being cut off at the knees, as they were when Mitts renounced his position on 47 percenters.

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