Friday, April 13, 2012

Workin' her fingers to the bone ?

Conservatives are all riled up over a comment by a Democratic political consultant that Willard Romney's wife never worked a day in her life. The RWers are trying to make a federal case out the remark because (a) they need their daily outrage fix, and (b) some polls are showing an exodus of women voters from the GOP in critical swing states. The GOP wants to turn this one poorly-chosen zinger into proof that Democrats hate all stay-at-home moms.

Until today, I never imagined Ann Romney as fitting the stereotype of the typical stay-at-home mom. My own mother was one of them, and I'm positive her lifestyle was nothing like Ann's. But the important question is this: I've read Willard has a net worth of around 250 million or so. Why can't he break down and hire some servants to help his old lady with her chores? Then again, counting his nickels and dimes is probably what helped Willard get so rich in the first place.

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