Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Hampshire

I watched about 30 minutes of MSNBC's coverage of the New Hampshire primary results tonight. No surprise that Mitts won, followed by Pappy and my personal choice, Huntsman. Newter and S-Rick tied for fourth with about 10 percent each, and Perrito was sucking hind tit as usual with less than 2 percent. Moochele Bachman got more than 200 votes, which proves something, I guess.

Chris Matthews was talking with NBC analyst Chuck Todd and former RNC chairman Michael Steele, and as usual the chat turned to whether or not Romney can be stopped, and by whom. Todd and Steele agreed that of course he could be stopped. Maybe by Rick Perry in South Carolina.

Huh ? Perry ? Are you kidding me ? Hasn't a stake been driven through his heart yet ?

It's obvious that cable news channels like MSNBC want to squeeze every possible ratings point out of this turd, and they'll try to keep suckers like me tuned in by hinting that every big development in the campaign so far is actually meaningless, and that the next event is the big one that could turn everything upside down. See, South Carolina is tailor-made for Rick Perry's brand of... well, whatever brand of bullshit Perry is shoveling these days. See, Perry is the only true Christian left in the bunch -- everybody else is a Mormon or a Catholic. That's the kind of thing that counts in a bean patch like South Carolina.

I've watched college football games in which one team is behind by 14 points with less than five minutes remaining in the 4th quarter, and one of the announcers will remind us that the game's not over because the trailing team has an explosive offense and is capable of scoring quickly. The explosive offense has produced 10 points in 55 minutes, and I'm supposed to believe it'll score 14 more in less than five ?

Perry's behind by two TDs and the clock is running, but keep watching because he has a cannon for an arm, folks... or so say people whose salaries are determined largely by the number of eyeballs watching the commercials on their channel.

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