Monday, October 31, 2011

War is hell.

It seems to me that Republicans are only against class warfare when they're losing battles and the war is not going well for them.

Friday, October 28, 2011


El Perrito's tax plan would make life easier for Warren Buffett and Rick Perry. And when we get right down to it, isn't that what's really important ?

Meanwhile, in Washington D.C. Republicans are pissing and moaning about large cuts in the defense budget resulting in the loss of jobs. Really ? Government spending can affect employment ? They need to make up their minds about that once and for all.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's bad, you know...

It's bad. How bad is it ? Here's how bad it is: Karl Rove, formerly one leg of the three-legged Bush/Cheney/Rove stool, is on TV critiquing the GOP candidates, and most of his critiques haven't been favorable. When the levels of insanity and incompetence are so extreme that a worthless party hack like Rove is criticizing openly... that's bad.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are basically wastes of space and oxygen, and if they both vanished into thin air tomorrow it would be a day too late to suit me. The only thing they're good for is helping me decide what I should support or not support. If Limbaugh is in favor of something, that strongly indicates I should oppose it. If Coulter is against something, I'll find something good about it. So it is with the Occupy Wall Street protests, which have the lardass and the skank puking up hairballs. I was indifferent regarding OWS until I started reading the opinions of those two and other right-wing scuzzballs.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I think I may have discovered the best website ever. Time will tell. Thanks, Little Green Footballs, for the story. And if it's all just for laughs, that's okay too.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Reminders of the Sixties

This afternoon I was skimming through the Salon website and came across the link to a video called Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street. The title stirred my curiosity, and while I was watching the video I was reminded of the social movements that were going on in the country during my college years. The tea party hasn't produced anything to match what I saw in the video.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Football 2011: Week Six

Texas A&M's farewell tour in the Big 12 conference continues today with Baylor playing at Kyle Field. The bears, leading 7-3 in the 2nd quarter, just missed a short FG attempt. I'm listening to the game on the radio since the Fox presentation on TV is unwatchable. I realized if I heard another word about the magnificence of the Baylor quarterback, I'd puke my guts up. The Aggies followed the missed FG with a long TD pass, went ahead 10-7, then let BU score a TD on one pass for 77 yards to trail 14-10. It looks like it's gonna be one of those days, since the Aggies haven't been particularly sharp on offense and continue to muddle around on defense. It'll be a shame if they blow what will probably be their last game against the Bears.

In the time it took to type the last two sentences, the Aggies answered the Baylor TD bomb with a nice 73-yard drive to regain the lead at 17-14. This may end up being a regular pissing contest, last team with the ball wins. At 2:30 today Oklahoma State is at Texas on ABC, and I want to watch the cowboys give the horns a beating. Any Saturday when the Aggies win and TU loses is a good Saturday.

Added 4:32 pm same day: In Austin, Oklahoma State receives the kickoff to start the third quarter and returns it 100 yards for a TD. Then they kick off, and the longhorns return the kick for a touchdown. That's probably happened in college football at some point, but I don't remember seeing it. Anyway, Oklahoma State leads 28-17 after the exchange of scores.

The Aggies settled down in the second half of their game and won it 55-28. In the first half both teams were able to score at will, but in the second the Aggies actually made a few defensive stands and continued to roll up yards and points on offense. I was finally able to relax with about ten minutes left in the game. If that was the last football game the schools play, it was a good one for A&M. Hey, Ken Starr -- this one's for you, muthafugga.

Added 7:12 pm same day: Well, it wasn't quite the one-sided blowout the sooners managed last week, but Oklahoma State finally put the longhorns down for the count 38-26. A convincing Aggie win over Baylor and another loss for Texas U adds up to a successful afternoon of college football.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


When somebody like Herman Cain says he has a great plan for America, he means that he has a plan that will be great for him and the rest of the millionaire class. I don't see anything in his proposed tax reform that will help me out -- and the sooner Herman goes back to delivering pizzas, the better.

Added 11:58 pm, 11 October: Michele Bachmann noted that 999 upside down is 666, the mark of the beast. Bless her for that, at least.

Friday, October 7, 2011

One Ricky too many

Poor Ricky Santorum. If abortion and gay marriage were the only fucking issues that mattered to 95 percent of American voters, he might have a shot at coming in no worse than third in the GOP primaries. Unfortunately, those aren't the only issues and the president has very little control over them in any case. It's time for Santorum to come to grips with reality, realize he'll never catch the other Ricky, and stop embarrassing himself.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Trends and traditions

Some troubling patterns are developing with the Aggie football team. In consecutive games against Oklahoma State and Arkansas, they've played exceptionally well both offensively and defensively in the first halves, building substantial leads against ranked opponents. They led Oklahoma State 20-3 and Arkansas 35-17 to begin the third quarters. In both games, they collapsed in the second halves, committing turnovers, dumb penalties, and major defensive miscues. I could write one meltdown off as the kind of freakish occurrence that most teams experience now and then, but at A&M anything that happens twice becomes a tradition.

The other pattern is even more disturbing now that A&M's move to the SEC is official. The last time the Aggies knocked off an SEC team was in 1995, the final year of the Southwest Conference. R.C. Slocum was still the head honcho, the Aggies would finish 9-3 and one of the 9 was a 33-17 win over LSU. Since that victory, they've dropped seven straight to SEC teams. In their 2000 bowl game, Mississippi State (coached by Jackie  Sherrill) beat them 43-41 in OT. Franchione's 2004 team was blown out (38-7) by Tennessee in the Cotton Bowl. Under Sherman, it's been even worse: in 2009, blowout losses to Arkansas (47-19) and Georgia (44-20), followed in 2010 by losses to Arkansas (24-17) and LSU (41-24). Sherman's fifth consecutive defeat by an SEC opponent came in yesterday's game against the Razorbacks. I hate to say it, but this is not a good sign.

Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.