Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Today's WTF Political News

Even though one of them hasn't formally announced his candidacy, some splooge rag has written an analysis of the race to the GOP nomination and decided it will probably come down to The Mittenful and El Perrito, mano a mano for the big enchilada. This is probably just more of the fucking bullshit that makes up most newspaper filler these days, but for discussion's sake I'll assume the writer is omniscient. The best part is that Palin, Bachmann, Santorum, and the rest of the lineup crawl back under their rocks, and the media no longer gives a fuck what they think about anything.

Assuming Obama is on his political deathbed as a result of self-inflicted wounds and an economy that prefers life in the shithouse to sunshine and prosperity, we'll probably wind up with El Perrito in the White House and things will go from bad to worse. Obama, for all his faults, isn't pushing to legislate the evangelunical agenda and can be trusted to keep the likes of Scalia and Thomas off the Supreme Court.

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Summer walks in Texas

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My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.