Monday, January 17, 2011

Whew !

For weeks I've been reading about a staggering budget shortfall that was going to make for some really tough decisions in the new Texas legislative session. Now it turns out there's no BFD after all. The  Republicans have solved the problem, and there was nothing to it. All they needed to do was have Rick Perry declare there ain't no budget deficit and presto, the problem disappears. His ability to make bad things go away by deciding they don't exist is as good a reason as any to explain why Perry's been elected a dozen times (seems like) and will be in office until he dies.

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Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.