Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sotomayor in sessions

I was out driving around in the heat this afternoon, listening to the car radio, and decided to skip the usual AM radio crap. Instead I flipped over to National Public Radio on FM and listened to some of Sotomayor's interrogation by the Senate Judiciary Committee. It was the first time I'd actually heard her voice, and she sounded like a pretty bright individual.

The senator attempting to make her life miserable today was Jeff Sessions of Alabama. Whenever I'm compiling lists of the most repulsive Republicans, Jeff is usually nowhere to be seen because he's been too insignificant to make much of a ripple on the surface of the pond. Sort of like John Cornyn was for a long time. If what I heard today is an indication of what this worthless dogturd has to offer, he'll never be overlooked on future lists.

When I was in the public welfare business I always thought of Alabama and Mississippi as buffers. As long as those two were around, it was a fairly safe bet Texas would never hit the bottom of the barrel. Bammer and Miz-sippy would always be there to soften the landing when Texas began another of its drives to be ranked 50th of fifty. And now, as long as Alabama keeps re-electing Jeff Sessions, Texas will never have the worst United States Senator.

Added 11:42 am, Wednesday: Here's a surprise. The National Rifle Association and the Southern Baptist Convention have serious misgivings about Sotomayor. Hmmm... she's looking better to me all the time.

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My photo
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