Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Food Fights and Football

Republicans are always pissing and moaning about the federal government running roughshod over the rights of the individual states -- and then we get horse shit like this. So what's it gonna be ? Personally, I still think Texas should amend its laws to eliminate the right to carry a concealed handgun, or restrict the right to law enforcement officers. Texans should wear their guns proudly, like Randolph Scott or Rory Calhoun. I know I'm not gonna mess with some old granny lady at the mall who's packing matching Smith & Wessons. Bottom line, every state should pass and enforce the gun laws its residents will tolerate, and traveling Texans need to adapt. If they can't hack it, stay home. Yeah, Cornyn, I'm talking to you... dumbass.

While we're on the subject of much ado about nothing, we have this situation with Gates . I'm getting too old to waste time being outraged over every little thing, and Obama's comment that police stupidity was a factor in the incident ain't worth getting in an uproar about. That's just me, though. I wasted too many minutes thinking about the ignorant dipshit remarks of the 43rd president, and I'm not falling into that trap with the 44th.

Football season is rapidly approaching, and I'm ambivalent. Last year was the first season since about 1968 during which I didn't watch a single televised football game, college or pro, from beginning to end. I just couldn't stay interested, and as I've written previously, I'm currently a fan without a decent team to root for.

The football magazines start hitting newsstands in late May, and in past years I'd buy every preview issue I could get my hands on, usually a dozen or more in all. The season would be over before I got around to reading them, and they'd eventually be stacked with all the unread issues from previous years. This year, I resolved to break that habit and limit my magazine purchases to Texas Football, the Sporting News national college and NFL season previews, and the Sports Illustrated annual football preview issues. No Big Twelve Conference preview issues, and only the two NFL previews.

Old habits are hard to break, but I ended a tradition in 2007 when I decided not to buy the Texas A&M football media guide. I started collecting those in the early 1970s while Emory Bellard was still around. Over the years, the media guides grew and got fancier, to the point that they were about the size of a coffee table book and cost about 25 dollars each.

Don't get me wrong, though. If the Aggies were going 10-2 or even 9-3 on a regular basis, I'd still be collecting their media guides. They aren't, and I don't. Preseason media prognostications have A&M sucking hind tit, finishing 6th of six in the Big 12 South behind Baylor. I've spent hours thinking and writing about the decline and fall of Aggie football, but I never would have predicted they'd sink to the current less-than-mediocre depths.

On the other hand, I have a new flat-panel HD plasma TV set, so I expect to watch some games this fall. The longhorns are forecast to win the national championship, or at least play for it. I'll probably watch their game with OU and skip the mismatches. I've adopted Southern Cal as my favorite college team, and will watch as many of their games as I can pick up in the Texas viewing area. I can't get behind the Dallas Cowboys until they (a) play in a Super Bowl, or (b) get rid of Jerry Jones, or (c) both. Since those are all unlikely options, I've adopted the New England Patriots as the NFL team I'm partial to.

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Summer walks in Texas

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Six-Word Memoir

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The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.