Friday, May 29, 2009

Small Blessings

During troubled times in an unsettled world, I try to be thankful for small blessings anywhere I find them. The news out of Austin this morning is one example. This bozo will still be on the board, but he won't be chairman. Thanks go out to the 11 Democrats who united in opposition, proving there may still be hope for Texas yet. I've run out of patience with Texas politicians who use their offices to transform their personal religious beliefs into public policy.

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Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.