Thursday, February 12, 2009

Judd ? Mud.

Barry is having problems getting his cabinet assembled, and watching the comedy of errors is starting to be discouraging. Still, unlike a number of Democrats and every single Republican, I'm not ready to write the whole Obama presidency off as a lost cause yet. I mean, what has it been ? Like, three weeks ?

Anyway, the latest nominee to bite the dust is Senator Judd Gregg, R-New Hampshire, who apparently sought the Commerce Secretary position then decided he wasn't suited for membership in a Democratic administration after all. Obama has done exactly what he promised to do, making every effort to work across partisan boundaries, and has gotten crapped on by the Republicans at each turn. I wish he'd say, "Hell, I tried. Now, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke."

Added 10:24 pm: Someone on some blog I looked at suggested Sarah Palin for Commerce Secretary. Now there's a thought. Bring Granny Grins on board for the duration, stick her in some obscure cabinet post, and take her off the table as a GOP nominee in 2012 or ever again. Hooray for the internet !

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