Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What we gonna do ? What we gonna do ?

The American Conservative » America Under President Obama:

Watch out for big chunks of skull whizzing past as conservative heads explode. The article at the link was written by Pat Buchanan, who's been around since Nixon's Watergate days and for some reason is allowed to be a conservative spokesman on MSNBC political panels. The picture he paints of life in America under President Obama is sure to be accepted as an inevitable consequence by people who consider Rush Limbaugh a news source.

Let's say for argument's sake that Obama survives Republican attempts to steal Pennsylvania and Virginia and actually wins. Members of the conservative commentariat like Buchanan and Limbaugh will be forced to choose - stay or go ? If they stay in the USA, Obama will confiscate and redistribute their wealth, which benefits all Americans. If they leave the country, even better. We lose the millions of dollars in confiscated wealth, but it'd be worth every cent to be rid of 'em. Sounds like a win/win to me.

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