Monday, September 29, 2008

Breathing room

The 0.7 trillion dollar bailout was voted down in the House of Representatives today, 228 against to 205 in favor. The Repubs split 133-65 against, and the Dems 140-95 in favor. Each party will try to blame the other for the bill's failure, but it looks like neither party has the numbers to make that case. The damned thing isn't really dead; like the serial killer in a horror movie it'll keep popping up and scaring the shit out of people.

Since I'm not well-informed in economics, I can't pass judgment on the merits of the bailout bill, but there are a few reasons why I'm not mourning this afternoon's defeat.

First of all, this thing got off on the wrong foot. Goober came out trying to sell the deal the same way he sold all his first-term disasters: Give me what I want or this puppy will die. This no-good motherfrakker has used fear as a marketing tool several times too often, and in eight years has yet to do a single thing to win my trust. The orginal proposal just looked like another in a long line of power-grab attempts. Been there, done that.

Second, the Republicans never did get on board in serious numbers. When it became obvious that the Repubs wanted the bailout to pass with only Dem votes, I smelled a rat.

Third, there was just too much artificial pressure to get the bill passed immediately if not sooner. That's always a recipe for disaster in Washington. Congress has a hard enough time getting things right when they take all the time they need. When they start rushing and taking shortcuts, bad shit always happens.

I've never lived through the kind of economic disaster Banjo Boy has been threatening us with. I can't imagine it would be much fun. On the other hand, people in this country have been electing governments based on trivia like gay marriage, school prayer, and gun control for at least a generation. Maybe a swift, hard kick in the ass is what it'll take to finally get their attention.

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