TRAIL BLAZERS Blog The Dallas Morning News:
"Posted by Roadside @ 12:31 PM Fri, Aug 29, 2008
Well she is more qualified to be president than Obama who has 143 days of actual service in the Senate and no executive experience and no experience as an agent ot change. She would be a better pick straight up against Obama because she has executive experience and is a reformer. Obama just aquires offices to run for another office. He has not even chaired a committee meeting on his own Senate subcommittee. He has never done ANYTHIHG except run for office. Dems problem is they have their ticket reversed. "
Comment at Trail Blazers editorial blog, Dallas Morning News, by screen name Roadside. The subject, as you may have guessed, is Sarah Palin, who will probably be the next VP. When I read things like this, I wonder what it must be like to live in Roadside's world. Mrs. Pea's world, the town of Wasilla where she was mayor, is the pastoral scene below the title. This part of her qualifying executive experience is like saying Andy Taylor, the sheriff of Mayberry, has the law enforcement background to be FBI Director. Whatever.... And while I'm thinking about it, Mrs. P, what's with that hairdo ?
"Posted by Roadside @ 12:31 PM Fri, Aug 29, 2008
Well she is more qualified to be president than Obama who has 143 days of actual service in the Senate and no executive experience and no experience as an agent ot change. She would be a better pick straight up against Obama because she has executive experience and is a reformer. Obama just aquires offices to run for another office. He has not even chaired a committee meeting on his own Senate subcommittee. He has never done ANYTHIHG except run for office. Dems problem is they have their ticket reversed. "
Comment at Trail Blazers editorial blog, Dallas Morning News, by screen name Roadside. The subject, as you may have guessed, is Sarah Palin, who will probably be the next VP. When I read things like this, I wonder what it must be like to live in Roadside's world. Mrs. Pea's world, the town of Wasilla where she was mayor, is the pastoral scene below the title. This part of her qualifying executive experience is like saying Andy Taylor, the sheriff of Mayberry, has the law enforcement background to be FBI Director. Whatever.... And while I'm thinking about it, Mrs. P, what's with that hairdo ?
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