Saturday, October 5, 2024


Okay then. If Fartzy the Psychotic Screech Owl and many of his followers in the MAGA Monkey Movement insist on disrespecting MVP by refusing to pronounce her first name correctly, then those of us who support her should respond by deliberately mispronouncing their first name(s) as "Shitass."

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Somewhat Debatable

The first time I watched Dinky Tinky on television, he was onstage with Hillary Clinton prior to the 2016 election. His behavior then proved he's just putrid trash, so I decided not to waste any more minutes of precious life watching him be a worthless asshole.

I skipped the 2020 precedential (sic) debates, and the waste of shit's first one against Joe Biden this year. Once Dinky Tinky finally confirmed his participation in the ABC debate last night, I promised myself I wouldn't ever see him on the tube unless I was watching him commit suicide live on Sean Hannjob's Fox News show after Kamala Harris wins in November.


As it happened, my wife wanted to see MVP destroy the waste of shit on MSNBC last night, and I realized I needed to endure the ordeal of seeing the worst person on earth tell lies and glorify himself for ninety minutes or so.


I can happily report that I'm glad I saw the debate coverage on MSNBC from start to finish because MVP did a number on the W/S, telling him world leaders laugh at him, and U.S. military leaders consider him a disgrace. The worst person on earth believes he's the epitome of human perfection, so he eventually collapsed while MVP exposed him as an ignorant loser.


Update 4:52 PM 09/11/24: A few years ago, my kids introduced me to the music of Taylor Swift. I wasn't familiar with her then, but her music appealed to me enough that I acquired a few of her CD's. Last night, after the debate ended, the round table talkers on MSNBC broke the news that Taylor Swift had just released a glowing endorsement of MVP, which is significant since she has 283,000,000 loyal followers on social media platforms. If some percentage of them are encouraged to vote (D) in November, it might change the outcome of the election. 


All in all, it was a successful evening for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Please Just GFY Now, Okay?

Sunday updates re: Slobbo Assholini's latest stroke(s) of campaign genius:

He's recruited former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard to assist him with "debate preparation" he wants everyone to believe he's taking seriously. Tulsi is another pissy little runt desperately seeking professional opportunities by cuddling up with one of the three worst people alive. She advertises herself as the candidate who personally kept Kamala Harris from winning the (D) nomination in 2020. As we now know, this wasn't a career-ending defeat for MVP. 

Assholini is too damned stupid to realize that MVP will be waiting to body-slam him each time he tries to pull any stunt he learned from Tulsi Goober. Does he honestly think she won't be ready for him?

As if his Tulsi Goober partnership isn't ridiculous enough in itself, the Waste of Farts (W/F) is revealing his campaign strategy from now on will consist mostly of any brutal personal attacks he can come up with, especially those involving MVP's gender, her personality, her race, her intellect and her appearance.

Slobbo has been warned repeatedly that personal attacks on Kamala Harris will ultimately cost him more votes among women than he can afford to lose. The reason Assholini fails at everything he tries? Being a malignant narciss-sissy, he's required to believe he's vastly superior to the rest of us, so he consistently ignores or underestimates everyone who's smarter than him (probably about 92% of the world's population).

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Time To Make Happy Faces

There's more good news than bad news in the alternate media this morning.

It's good news to realize that President Joe Biden will be ready to respond when Demented DonOld Dung Beetle starts interfering with elections again. Stealing a win he didn't earn or deserve won't be as easy as the Waste of Farts thinks it'll be.

The Waste of Farts is whining about how unfairly the world continues to treat him, now that he's facing a beating by MVP. What a got-dam wuss. 

A new Marquette Law School Poll has MVP leading the Waste of Farts by a nice margin, which ruins the day for some people.

MAGA Monkeys are using W/F's Untrue & Antisocial platform to discuss what a chickenshit coward he really is

Thank god for Judge Tanya Chutkan, who unlike Loose Cannon, actually knows how to do her job.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

New Month, First Day

July ended with a frenzy of political activity, and August should provide even more excitement.

Donny Dung Beetle, with his hair dyed the color of piss or snot, had been shoved out of the media spotlight by MVP, and being ignored by TV news shows is an intolerable problem for him. Even rotten JD Vance has received more attention than the Dung Beetle. That apparently caused him to launch a stream of ugly racist statements since he'd rather be recognized as a fucking racist pig than cope with a TV blackout. On the plus side, his nastiness has been worth about $23,000,000 to MVP's campaign.

I'm fairly sure the irony in this matter is that being a rotten racist asshole won't win Dung Beetle more than a few votes because the dimwits who love it have already voted for his sorry ass in two elections. On the other hand, it might be worth thousands (or possibly a few million) votes for Kamala Harris.

Update 6:58 PM Thursday 8/1: Let's hear some applause for Joe Biden, MVP, and Vladimir Putin who worked together to make Donny Dung Beetle look like the total waste of shit we've always known he is. Putin apparently thinks it's a waste of time to wait for him.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sundaze Short Cuts

A few things I read about in articles from the online alternative media:

The W/S manages to keep his remaining hair the color of dried snot, so I've decided to start calling him Snot Monster (S/M) for a change.

A) Snot Monster was involved in an attempted assassination that looked like it had been staged to be aired as a TV reality show, but there were people killed or wounded. To the surprise of nobody, Snot Monster immediately found ways to exploit the situation for his personal benefit. He quickly issued a statement to the effect that god himself stepped in to prevent a bullet from killing him. This is the kind of horse shit that enables religious evangelunatics to worship him as a chosen one while ignoring his long life of evil and corruption.

There's a reason Snot Monster kept his injured ear hidden by a large bandage during the RNC and has refused to provide any medical records verifying extent of injury and treatment. It's a safe bet it wasn't caused by a bullet. 

B)  If the conservative press (New York Times, Associated Press, et al) would do the kind of reporting on Snot Monster that's been done on Joe since the CNN debate, he would be too far behind Joe to have any chance of winning. 

Update 2:00 PM Sunday: While I was typing this paragraph, Joe's withdrawal was made public.  

This is now a very sad day for me.

C) TRashdUMP should be officially considered Under Russian Control now that it's known J.D. Vance was selected for the VP position to satisfy Vladimir Putin.

D) If there really is a God, she'll take over now to protect America by making sure Kamala beats the piss out of Snot Monster.

Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.