Friday, July 21, 2017

Headlines: Return of the Zombies

Washington Monthly, briefly, on why the GOP hasn't repealed Obamacare yet.

Republican voters have lost interest in wrecking the ACA as a top priority, according to Kos. If most of his voters aren't interested, then what is fucking Mitch McConnell's goddamned problem?

Donny Shitdrizzle asks his lawyers if it's okay for him to go ahead and pardon himself while he's pardoning his rotten spawn and everyone he brought with him to Washington as executive branch hired hands. This means he's stopped pretending he's the innocent victim of a witch hunt, and is now admitting that he's guilty as hell... which we already knew.

It's sickening to realize the Republican Party is made up almost entirely of people like those who enabled the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany.

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Summer walks in Texas

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Six-Word Memoir

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The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.