Saturday, February 22, 2025

Making Americans Groan Again (Part One)

 It's a process that's developing very gradually, but as the first month of Pussydent 47A & 47B comes to an end, cracks are finally appearing in the MAGA foundation. Everything has to start somewhere, so any signs of weakening are encouraging.

A CBS News poll that was released a few weeks ago had Donkey Wrecked 'em  (DJT code name) job approval at 53%, but also reported that only 45% of voters polled said they follow political news very closely. The remaining 55% follow the news somewhat, seldom or not at all. Many (most?) news sources have chosen to be favorable or neutral in their reporting regarding Pussydent 47A (Donkey Wrecked 'em) and Pussydent 47B (Elmo Mush) and the majority of voters are ambivalent in their interest. This environment isn't conducive to a rapid collapse of the MAGA Monster movement.

On the positive side, 

These developments should influence the way Wrecked 'em and MAGA are treated by the news media, and concurrently encourage voter concern regarding the intended destruction of American democracy by a MAGA movement that's working for the Russian government.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine Day Mystery?

There's a ton of weird shit happening in the current American political disaster, and one of the weirdest things is the official relationship between Don Key Wrecked 'Em and Elmo Muskrat Love, who appear to be operating as co-pussydents. This is the kind of confusing, mysterious situation that hasn't ever occurred before, and the real question is this: Which one of them is doing the sucking, and which one is getting sucked? We might eventually learn the correct answer to that question, but for now, all we can do is hope this disgusting crap comes to a dead halt really soon. This is as bad as having no government at all, and probably even worse in some ways.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Return of The Blob (18th Day)

I wonder what god thinks about Pussydent 47 (code name Dropping Turds) promising America's religious lunatics that he'll essentially convert America into a fascist theocracy by bringing back religion, stronger than ever. These promises are coming from a fat, senile fool who's never seen or learned about any crime (felony or misdemeanor), sin, or other corrupt or immoral act he's not willing or even eager to commit. Evil this absolute is why P47 deserves to be characterized as one of the four worst people on earth.

If the W/S is the ideal example of modern Christian faith, just doing sick crap he claims god sent him to do, you can continue to exclude me from membership in the club.

PS (added 6:17 PM 02/06/25): Something we should have suspected all along is now being confirmed: Pussydent 47 is not getting all that Senate support for the nominations clusterfuck he's ramming through because of their respect and enthusiasm. Many of those senators buying into the P47 Flea Circus are doing it to protect themselves and their families. Add extortion to the long list of reasons Don Old Dipshit should be in prison instead of the WH.

It may not happen, but if the non-MAGA Republicans in Congress could unite in large numbers and resolve to call the pig's bluff, he'd be exposed again as Little Miss Chickenshit. He always is when his bluffs disintegrate.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Return of The Blob (Seventh Day)

After observing the damage he caused in his first week, it's obvious that a majority of Americans have had one or more bowel movements that would be better presidents than Pussydent 47 Don Old Hump.

Let's face reality: It takes a special kind of worthless fucking idiot to make the USA an enemy of Denmark.

The next time a disease, an epidemic, or a pandemic is killing thousands (possibly millions) of Americans, Pussydent 47 Hump probably hopes his interference with federal public health agencies means he won't be blamed for the results of his irresponsibility and incompetence.

Pussydent 47 just fired 12-15 federal Inspectors General, some of whom he had originally appointed himself. This action was illegal, but thanks to Smirking Sammy Alito, Boof Kavanaugh. Gorsucks, and Clearance Sale Thomas, Hump is convinced a law that applies to him has never been written or enacted.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday's No Fun Day

Some of the memories from my days as an elementary school pupil involve classroom emphasis on patriotism and the stuff we were required to memorize, like the pledge of allegiance, the national anthem, the Texas state song, and at least the first verses of two popular patriotic songs ("America the Beautiful" and "God Bless America").

After reading the current political news reporting this morning, my immediate thought was that god (sic) is no longer blessing America. He (or She) stopped giving a shit about this place last November during the 2024 campaign. Now we're totally on our own.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Minor Midweek Musing

It's brutally cold outdoors, so I've pissed most of this Wednesday away by skimming through the headlines at the liberal alternate media (LAM) websites. The news item that's being discussed today at most of them is the desperation move by Demented Don Old, begging the corrupted Extreme Court to block the hearing scheduled by Judge Merchan for Friday, which will complete the unconditional sentencing of the Toad God on the 34 felony convictions in the Manhattan hush money case.

The waste of shit is basing his appeal on the Extremes' earlier pussydential (sic) immunity ruling. His problem is that none of the 34 felony convictions were linked to official pussydential (sic) duties. When he committed the 34 felonies, he wasn't a pussydent (sic). He just wanted to be one.

What an ignorant asshole.

Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.