Friday, August 12, 2022

Q NOTES # 880: News, Briefly, Friday Edition

First question: Remember when Mrs. Clinton warned us it would be this way? 

Yes, ma'am, you sure did.
Second question: Is there anything illegal that Donnie Docs wouldn't do?

Third question: Are lessons being learned? Keeping people hired or appointed by Donnie Docs around in government positions is just asking for big trouble. 

Washington Monthly has a nice short article summarizing the many reasons why Waste of Shit #1's political career needs to be ended now. 

Since the Bush 43 era, Republicans, who are now nearly all Trumplickans, have been fascinated by the concept of the unitary executive, which effectively inflates the power of the president to make anything he does, or thinks about doing, legal. It's understood that only a Trumplickan precedent (sic) like Donnie Docs can possess unitary executive authority. Barack Obama and Joe Biden? Never. 

It's not exactly a revelation since it was first reported long ago, but while Waste of Shit #1 was living in the White House, he was considered a security risk by the intelligence services. Old news, but particularly germane given where things are today.

Update Saturday 13 August 2:52 PM: Donnie Docs is an ignorant, incompetent, corrupt, narcissistic sociopath. Devoted members of MAGA cult are compelled to protect and defend him like a spoiled two-year old, probably because he acts like one so much of the time.

Baby Huey

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