Sunday, June 26, 2022

Q NOTES # 833: Meandering

Another week comes to an end, and some of the past seven days really sucked.

Many (maybe most) parents understand that if a boy is never punished for any bad behavior, he'll quickly conclude that none of the damn rules apply to him. The so-called precedence (sic) of Hopalong Hairdo illustrates the point. For various reasons, Hairdo never completely matured into a responsible adult, and because his precedence (sic) coincided with Trumplican majorities in the Senate, he was never held accountable for any of his corruption and depravity. This proved to him that an election defeat could be avoided by pretending it never happened.

Christian # 1: "I think abortion is wrong, and I'd never have one." Example of choice.

Christian # 2: : "Abortion is a sin, and no one can ever have one again." Example of theocracy.

One of the above is perfectly acceptable to me. The other should be totally unacceptable in this country.

Added 10:46 AM Tuesday 28 June: The evangelunacy contingent of the Supreme Court strikes again. If some halfwit high school football coach feels compelled to attract attention to himself by squatting in the middle of the field and praying aloud before and after games, I guess that might be a religious freedom / free speech issue. When the entire team is required to join him and participate in his ritual, that changes the deal in my book. 

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