Friday, December 28, 2018

Evangelicals, shutdowns, definitions, etc.

From AlterNet: Is it the trump plus Jesus, or the trump versus Jesus?

On the government shutdown: The trump decided to run his 2016 campaign by directly aiming everything he had at winning the support of the dumbest, creepiest, rottenest Republican voters (which happens to be about 3/4ths of them). He probably had some spontaneous impulse to tell them he'd build a giant wall across the southern border, and force Mexico to pay the bill. As soon as the words left his lips, the yokels went crazy and the trump knew he had them. The bullshit about the wall and Mexico became a standard plot element in his reality show... even though it started as just another ad lib to wow the crowd, not a rational policy proposal.

The motherfucker has lived his life writing checks with his loud mouth that his flabby ass can't cash.

Defenestration is a word I'm adding to the "routine usage" section of my vocabulary. I'm pretty sure it'll come in handy later.

Never underestimate the power of television to influence and motivate brain-dead conservative assholes. 

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