Monday, November 21, 2011

Good News ?

The congressional deficit-reduction super-committee is apparently ready to prove what most of us believed all along -- that the whole concept was an exercise in futility.

There is some good news here, however. In situations like this, where the parties are equally represented (50/50), the Republicans almost always get their way because they have a gift for marching in lockstep while there are always a few Democrats who wimp out and peel off to vote with the GOP. The Republicans not only get what they want, but if things don't work out as planned, they dodge the blame by claiming their measure had bipartisan support. I've been watching Democrats act like gutless cowards for years, and that's one reason I despise them almost as much as I loathe the fucking Republicans.

This time, though, it looks like the Democratic contingent held together in their insistence that any agreement would require revenue (tax) increases in addition to spending reductions. That always seemed like a reasonable stance to me, but since nearly every GOP motherfucker in Washington has signed the Grover Norquist pledge, I knew they'd never go for it.

The supercommittee's failure to submit a plan is supposed to automatically trigger billions in spending cuts from both domestic programs and the defense budget. Already, there are GOP slimeballs wanting to change the rules and take defense cuts out of the mix. Fuck that shit. Somewhere, at some time, those motherfuckers need to be held accountable for the consequences of their bullshit, and the Democrats need to stand tough and make sure that this is the time and the place.

The other good news is that nearly all the signs are indicating Perrito and Moochele Bachmann will do well to finish as high as fourth or fifth place in Iowa and New Hampshire, which should effectively finish them off as White House contenders. That would still leave Newtered and Sugar Cain in the running, but I can't visualize a scenario in which either of them wins in November. As much as I personally hate that fucking Perry, I worried that he might be able to fool voters just enough to squeeze out a narrow EC victory -- so if he really is ready to crash and burn, it's a load off my mind.

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