Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Duck and Cover

High unemployment and economic insecurity are combining to keep a lot of people nervous and edgy, even grumpy from time to time. So the general mood in the country is fairly negative. But then, making matters worse, we have to deal with the 30-percenters. Those are the people who thought W did a great job every day of his eight years in office, and defended every one of his fuckups. All of a sudden there's a semi-liberal N in W's old office, and the same 30 percent who rationalized and justified everything W did are going crazy. Even if the economic picture was fairly rosy, these dipshits would be in a frenzy.

Things would be tough enough if all we had to do was cope with the economy and the usual array of international complications. I mean, that would be a plateful of hard right there. But on top of everything else, we have to put up with this relentless stream of misguided horseshit from the lunatics who turn to Limbaugh, Palin, Beck and Fox News for leadership. These freaks are beginning to fantasize about themselves as freedom fighters, and I have a feeling something bad is eventually going to happen.

All this makes me recall the old civil defense films teaching school kids to duck and cover. Get under your desk, curl up in the fetal position, and try to ride out the initial blast and the shock waves. Not a bad plan for the next few years, either. The new Stephen King book came out today. It's called Under The Dome, is 1072 pages long and weighs nearly four pounds. King's books are practically the only ones I buy new --- a longstanding personal tradition that has survived years of change. Maybe I'll curl up with this monster, and by the time I've finished reading it, things will have calmed down a little bit.

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