Friday, September 11, 2009

Chain letter lunacy

This morning I was checking my wife's e-mail for her, and her inbox contained one of those viral internet chain letters. This one was about illegal immigration, and compared the harsh treatment of illegal immigrants in North Korea and Iran to the way we coddle them in the USA. When she asked if she had any new mail, I told her some lunatic sent her a political chain letter. She started to protest my characterization of the forwarder as a lunatic, but I was right the first time ---

When people forward right-wing chain letters to you, they (A) assume you're also a rightwinger who will enjoy the message as much as they do, or (B) know you're NOT a rightwinger and are trying to annoy you, or (C) don't know your political beliefs but think you can be persuaded by a viral internet chain letter.

Regardless of which alternative above applies, the person who forwards the crap is either (A) a conservative lunatic, or (B) a malevolent lunatic, or (C) a socially maladroit lunatic who needs to be schooled in the art of civilized living.

This particular chain letter says that instead of punishing illegal immigrants (like Iran does), we reward them with a driver's license, a Social Security number, welfare, food stamps, and free health care. It happens that I worked in the public welfare bureaucracy until the end of 1998, so I know that illegal immigrants did NOT qualify for welfare, food stamps, and Medicaid at that time. If they do now, it's because a Republican president and Republican majorities in Congress changed the laws after I retired. More likely, the allegations in the chain letter are total fucking bullshit, and the person who sent it to my wife is a fucking lunatic.

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