Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Year 1 AD

From The Hill: Is it time to start thinking about a post-Donnie America?

Here's one thing we know about the year 1 AD (after Donald): Those millions of voters who still support Donnie Mung didn't just pop up out of nowhere in 2016. Considering that many, if not most, of them are over retirement age or close to it, they've been voting for Republicans for years. They've been out there all along, but it took something like a psychopathic TV celebrity / con artist and a stolen election to liberate them and make them fascinating to the media. Once Donnie's gone, regardless of the circumstances, his cult will piss and moan for a while, then vote for whichever Republican replaces him on the ballot. All this speculation about a populist uprising of some kind is bullshit. Have you seen pictures of those dullards? Most of them would have trouble finding their own butts with a search party.

Yeah, they're soooo scary...

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Farmer Donnie

David Corn @ Mother Jones discusses ways that Michael Cohen might figure into Farmer Donnie's problems with the law. Recommended.

On the topic of Donnie dressed up like his idea of good common people, there's a nice piece at No More Mister Nice Blog on the concept of mandatory southernness. I was born in the south, never lived further north than Lawton, Oklahoma, and I'm personally a lot less impressed with southern people now than I was at age 10 or 11. Maybe it's because so many red states are in the south.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Deeper than we thought, for sure

Question answered @ Daily Kos: How deep are the ties between Russia and the GOP?

Updated 9:24 PM Monday 23 July: I only recently finished reading the material I needed to read in order to comprehend the reality of what's happening in the United States. Now that I'm able to place events in the proper context, I can completely understand why Donnie Hump needs to do things like this enemies list bullshit. His problem is that there already too many people who (a) haven't pledged their loyalty to him, and (b) also understand what's happening. The media still haven't come to grips with the fact that this is about much more than Russia "meddling" in an election.

Donnie Hump states that he gave up nothing to Putin during his man-on-man with Vladimir in Helsinki. That's comforting, since Donnie's never lied to us.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Deliverance in Helsinki

The news is fun this week because nearly everything concerns bad news for Donnie the Hump after the knob-polishing in Finland. Here's my theory about why the press conference went down the way it did:

Before the summit, Vladimir Putin watched the movie "Deliverance" on DVD to get a clearer understanding of the kind of people who follow Donnie. The character played by Ned Beatty reminded him so much of Donnie, Putin decided it would be fun to make the so-called American precedent (sic) squeal like a sow.

Squealing on demand is new protocol for Donnie's future man-on-man summit meetings.

He'll squeal and like it.

One of these guys made the other guy squeal like a sow.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Digby @ Hullabaloo wrote a good summary of Donnie's latest weekly adventure.

Oh, hell yeah... let's protect Russia's constitutional right of free speech by allowing the NRA to conceal all the Russian "donations" that passed through en route to the GOP.

They say you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, but Donnie the Hump's so fucking stupid, that's what he tried to do today. For some reason, the fat bastard, whose biggest success in this world was playing a smart person on a TV reality show, still doesn't really understand the concept of electronic media. He thinks he can stand in front of cameras and microphones and say any shit that happens to drift through his diseased mind, and within 24 hours, deny saying what millions of people around the world heard him say WHILE HE WAS SAYING IT.

Donnie owes his political survival to a bunch of mental defectives who enthusiastically accept whatever he tells them as the word of god. But his eventual downfall will probably be caused by his refusal to believe that most of the world's people are much more intelligent than his fan club members.

Update 1:22 AM Wednesday: More @ Crooks and Liars re: Donnie the Hump, the Russians, the NRA, and lots of money. Of course, the money.

Louie Gohmert makes me shake my head and mutter my favorite 12-letter obscenity again. His head is so far up Donnie the Hump's ass, he can see through Donnie's eyeballs.

A good assortment of related odds-and-ends at All Hat No Cattle

Sunday, July 15, 2018

His Best Ain't Good Enough?

Copied from The Hill:
"Heading to Helsinki, Finland – looking forward to meeting with President Putin tomorrow. Unfortunately, no matter how well I do at the Summit, if I was given the great city of Moscow as retribution for all of the sins and evils committed by Russia over the years, I would return to criticism that it wasn’t good enough – that I should have gotten Saint Petersburg in addition!" Trump tweeted.
Am I  the only one who's sick and tired of this repulsive, self-pitying sack of shit?

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm gonna eat some worms.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


The latest rumor going around is that Donnie's people negotiated early retirement with Anthony Kennedy, and the deal was finalized when there was agreement that Donnie would select Kennedy's boy (Kavanaugh) to fill the open seat. Okay, it's a rumor at this point, but is there anything about it that seems even a wee bit implausible? Be honest.

The thing about having a corrupt, incompetent sociopath posing as a so-called precedent (sic) is that every accusation of criminal conduct is automatically credible.

Monday, July 9, 2018


I've bookmarked an article in New York Magazine by Jonathan Chait, interesting reading for those of us who think The Big Orange Hemorrhoid is up to his double chins in collusion and criminal conspiracy with the Russians.

With a few exceptions, the national media have treated the idea that Putin controls Donnie as too strange to be true, and keep trying (as always) to narrow discussion down to the easiest explanation, which is summarized as "The persuasive evidence of crimes we're seeing is probably an assortment of weird coincidences."

Question of the day: What would the Republican Party happily trade to ensure they'd never lose another presidential election? Think about it.

Is this the face of someone who has earned any trust at all?

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Indecent behavior

Copied from Daily Kos, re: The Big Orange Hemorrhoid ridiculing Bush 41's "thousand points of light"

"There’s a touch more to the clip, with former CIA operations officer Evan McMullin pointing out that Trump attacks things like ‘light’ because he needs a gross and indecent world in order to justify how much of an abomination his entire existence is at this point."

That sums it up. The bottomless ocean of shit.

His entire existence is an abomination.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Worthless Redneck Trash

The term that describes it best may be "aggressive ignorance."

Donnie Disaster's constituents are who you'd expect them to be: the dregs of American society. There's nothing he's done or ever will do that will force them to experience a revelation and atone.

Update: Politicus USA reports that Donnie Disaster is planning to go to war against the only people who might have the power, the resources, and the motivation to squash him like a fucking cockroach.

Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.