Friday, February 24, 2017

Proceed cautiously

Another azzwhole Congressman from Alabama says that some of his colleagues may be starting to wimp out on the tea party's plan to repeal Obamacare after all those nasty scenes at town hall meetings, etc.

A recent Pew Reasearch poll finds that public support for the ACA is increasing. This may reflect the fact that voters are finally learning that there's really no such thing as Obamacare, just the Affordable Care Act. For years, many voters didn't realize the new health insurance protection they liked pretty well was that horrible, catastrophic liberal disaster the tea party azzwholes were constantly bitching about and trying to abolish. The Pew poll reports that even among those who don't like Obamacare, only 17 percent want it abolished entirely. There will always be 15-20 percent who are totally fucked up beyond any hope of recovery.

As of January, Mo Brooks was one of 30 known members of the so-called House Freedom Caucus, a group of tea party shit asses from a few solid red districts. In the House, seven percent of the 435 members have been pushing around the other 93 percent for too long. That needs to change.

Meanwhile, the so-called secretary of the treasury is rolling out the same old verse of the same old song for the 100,000th time since Reagan was elected in 1980. The goddamned Republicans ran out of fresh new ideas 35 years ago. More tax cuts for billionaires and massive deregulation, and everyone be rich! Hooray! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Lollipops and clean diapers

The primary (possibly only) qualification required to work in the administration of the so-called president is unquestioned loyalty to the orange azzwhole.

It's also important that White House staff pamper the azzwhole by making sure he gets plenty of positive reinforcement.

The report is in Politico. Have we gotten tired of all the winning yet?

Friday, February 17, 2017

A very flimsy barrier

On one side we have a fat repulsive slob with mental problems who believes anyone not willing to pay good money for the opportunity to adore him is his enemy. That includes, but is not limited to, people who voted for Hillary, the mainstream media (now), the intelligence community (particularly the parts that are investigating his crimes), most non-whites and non-Christians, and even a few Republicans. This is the so-called president. He's unqualified, incompetent, and uninterested. Even worse, he's usually out of control but can be easily manipulated by a small group of extreme right-wingers who fall into the category "Nazis by any other name." A lot of what the people manipulating him are doing has a strong resemblance to what was going on in Germany in the early 1930's.

On the other side are roughly 60 percent of the American people who disapprove of the fat repulsive slob, most of the people around him, and a few members of his family. Since they aren't actively adoring him, they're enemies of the so-called president.

Between the two sides is the Congress of the United States and the U.S. Supreme Court. In our system of government, we're supposed to have a system of checks and balances that protects the nation when we fuck up badly enough to put a goddamned mental case in charge of the executive branch. There are plenty of people in Congress who are ready to check-and-balance the fat slob every day all day long, but they're in the minority. The ones in the majority are either afraid to do their duty, or don't think the situation calls for any intervention on their part. Some of them, like Paul Ryan, even think the maniac is on the right track and are leading the cheers.

All in all, the barrier that's protecting the side with all the honest, hard-working tax payers who love America from the side with the lunatics and the Nazis is pretty shaky.    

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Pressed conference

The so-called president held another so-called press conference today. I didn't see any of it on the television, but watched a few 90-second video clips and read the reviews online.

Porky Prick spent part of 2015 and almost all of 2016 as a presidential candidate, and during those months, studies revealed that roughly eight out of ten things the asshole said were not true. A lot of that was attributed to deliberate flagrant lying, with some of the rest resulting from his stunning lack of knowledge and resistance to learning. And finally, some of the false statements stemmed from the fact that his vocabulary and communication skills are equivalent to those of an average 3rd grader.

The so-called president whined a lot about the media and how he and his mob are being persecuted. A lot of gibberish that made no sense even when I read a transcript of the statement. The only thing this bullshit session accomplished was to prove that the press is wasting their time and ours, and Porky is probably lying more now because the stakes are higher and the pressure is building.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Malfunction at the junction

Robert Reich discusses the dysfunctional aspects of the so-called presidency.

Many (if not all) Republican voters are dumb enough to believe that reality TV shows are reality. Hint: Anything that occurs on a set with lights and is filmed by cameras is staged, not reality. At any rate, the morons who voted for the blubber butt believed they were electing the brilliant real estate tycoon he played on his popular TV show.

Reich explains that voters who dreamed they were electing the most effective manager ever born were the victims of a con artist (and their own ignorance).

There are two schools of thought on the matter of what we're seeing:
  • The so-called president is really as grossly incompetent and unqualified as he appears, or
  • the chaos and confusion are part of a deliberate strategy, using misdirection to obscure the process of installing an authoritarian ruler.
Either way, it's up to Congress and the courts to get this situation under control soon. If they don't, they need to be treated like accomplices in a felony.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Workarounds and why we need them

Depending on what happens with the treason issue, the so-called president won't be impeached. Think Progress outlines another way the problem of his open corruption might be tackled.

And then there's his care-less attitude toward national security. All decent, thinking Americans consider this behavior completely unacceptable. That leaves out most Republicans.

The thing I've believed since Day 1 of the so-called presidency is true: Pee 45 doesn't want to be the POTUS, he just wants to play the part of POTUS on Twitter and TV. The real job is hard, requires reading, and takes too much time.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Ignore at your own risk

Of course, there's absolutely no way real Utah residents would show up at a town hall meeting to confront an asshole like Jason Chaffetz.

Added 11:31 PM same date: So many Republican assholes whining that those protesters are paid agitators hired by the Democrats to cause trouble. Tang and Chaffetz need to face reality: Tang got 46 percent of the vote. If GOP politicians could do 6th grade math, they'd figure out that 54 percent of American voters wanted nothing to do with him. Most of the 54 percent probably rate having Tang in the White House as one step above or one step below being diagnosed with a brain tumor and rectal hemorrhaging on the same day.

Even in a red state like Utah, the SCP only got 45.5 percent of the vote. If nearly 55 percent of the voters in that stink hole didn't want Tang, why won't Chaffetz accept the fact that Utah voters might show up at his town hall meeting to tell him they want him to do his fucking job for a change? As a committee chairman, he has a larger obligation than his shitty district.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Not THE Jason Chaffetz?

Okay, let's concede it's nibbling around the edges. It's still mildly refreshing to see a shithouse rat like Chaffetz finally do something that might serve the country well for a change.

Added 6:20 PM: While we're at it, let's hope the Senate Democrats aren't gullible enough to fall for the scam Gorsucks, Bannon, and Trump are trying to pull.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Taking the Hit

Now that the bottom-of-the-barrel assholes the so-called president nominated to fill the executive branch are being confirmed, we should face the fact that nearly every person living in the United States is going to feel the pain. The people in the top five percent will have people to do their suffering for them, of course.

Since I'm feeling nasty and mean-spirited, I enjoyed reading that Trump voters are likely to suffer as a result of the economic disaster he's heading into. My hope is that the trumpkins are the first ones hit, that they feel the most pain, and that their misery lasts the longest. If that doesn't get their goddamned attention, nothing ever will. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Come again?

From Talking Points Memo:

"Yes, in the process and maybe it’ll take till sometime into next year, but we’re certainly going to be in the process. Very complicated ― Obamacare is a disaster," Trump said on Fox News. "You have to remember Obamacare doesn’t work, so we are putting in a wonderful plan. It statutorily takes a while to get. We’re going to be putting it in fairly soon. I think that, yes, I would like to say by the end of the year, at least the rudiments, but we should have something within the year and the following year."

What is this s.o.b. saying? And please share at least the outline of the 'wonderful' plan you are putting in, since inquiring minds want to know.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Costs of Things

Here's a short essay on the human costs of the so-called president's term so far (16 days).

Maybe his latest outrage (there are so many) will be enough to get chickenshit Republicans in Congress to pull their thumbs out of their butts and launch serious hearings on the extent to which Putin owns fat boy, and how deeply fat boy is indebted to Russian interests.

Score update from Gallup: Disapprove leads approve 53-42.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Head Fake

Alternet warns that it's dangerous to fall for the head fake.

We might assume that the events of the past week or so are just proof that when it comes to running the government, Fatso is even more incompetent that we expected he'd be.

Since we now know the Real President is Steve Bannon, we need to realize this chaos isn't slapstick comedy, but a deliberate effort to measure how far Bannon can push the envelope before the traditional system of checks and balances shuts him down.

If the system is going to work as intended, the Republican majority in Congress and on the Supreme Court will be responsible for keeping Bannon and his sock puppet under control. Maybe they'll be up to the challenge. In the Senate, it will only take a few Republicans with integrity as long as the Democrats can stay united. If the Republicans fail, then there are no longer any checks and balances, and America is over.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Fascism plus Theocracy?

Is it possible to have a fascist theocracy in the United States? Fatso thinks he can do it if anyone can.

A repulsive serial adulterer with a filthy mind, who never attends church, tossing chunks of bloody meat to religious crazies, and they adore him. Sometimes they can't decide who they love more, Fatso or Jesus.

Fatso is always sinking to new lows, but he'll never scrape the bottom at his age.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.