Sunday, January 26, 2020

Saturday Late Night

You'd think that 53 (R) senators could get T**** under control. Hell, Putin can make him crawl with one stern glance.

Last night I dreamed that T****, the two Mike P's (Pence, Pompeo), Moscow Mitch, Booger Barr, Mnuchin, Miller, and a few dozen other (R)s were buried under tons of falling debris when they stopped to watch an abandoned skyscraper being demolished. I woke up wondering if dreams ever came true.

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Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.